Activities This Month
2nd Fortnightly Small-Group Prayer-Meetings return.
6th Clean-Up Morning, arrive from 9am at AP for odd-jobs that need doing. Ask a deacon for more details.
7th Stuart Olyott preaching at Morning Service.
7th – 12th Evangelical Movement of Wales Aberystwyth Conference (Main Meetings at the Great Hall) tickets via the Arts Centre.
9th No Whole-Church Prayer-Meeting, members encouraged to attend Aberystwyth Conference.
14th Geoff Thomas preaching Morning Service; Communion as part of Evening Service (one week later than usual).
16th Small-Group Prayer-Meeting.
30th Whole-Church Prayer-Meeting, Lydia Adams giving report on work in Slovenia. (No small-group prayer-meetings.)
[Note: the book-table continues to go out every Saturday, weather-permitting, speak to Eric if you are interested.]
Other Notes
- The weekly Women’s Fellowship meeting is on a break for the summer and hopes to recommence in September.
- The monthly Bible-Reading-Groups are also on hiatus until September. The Summer-Bible-Book (usually a longer book we can spend more time over, as we have longer) is Ezekiel. All church-members are encouraged to read and consider Christ as you read, keeping a note of observations and questions.
- Rhodri & family are away on holiday from the 15th – 19th of August.
Book News
Any book orders or enquiries related to the bookshop should be emailed to
Visit the Bookshop Facebook Page for all the latest information, including opening hours (note: a Facebook account is not required to access that page.)

THE BOY FROM THE HOUSE OF BREAD – Andrew Wilson (B&H, 2022)
You may remember our series a few months ago when we looked at the Feeding of the 5000 from all four gospel-writers’ perspectives. Well, this is a retelling of that story for children, from the perspective of the boy who provided the packed-lunch. They’ve called him Alex, and have used the book not only to tell the wonderful story again, but also to bring out some of those beautiful themes that we looked at together…The good news that Jesus is the Bread of Life!
By the way, the boy from the title is Jesus (Bethlehem means House of Bread). This may be a useful book for family worship, a Sunday afternoon or even a bedtime story.

NO DIFFICULTIES WITH GOD: The Life of Thomas Charles, Bala (1755–1814) – D. Eryl Davies (Christian Focus, 2022)
I haven’t finished this book yet, but I suspect it’s a very important book for those of us in Wales to read. Dr. Davies says this, ‘I am persuaded that Thomas Charles needs to be rediscovered by new generations of Christians and listened to seriously in the 21st century for we can profit much from his life and labours.’ It seems that there are very few Welsh heroes from the past three hundred years who surpass Thomas Charles in significance, so we should all pick this book up and read it. (His influence reached even his great-grandson Thomas Charles Edwards who ended up founding Aberystwyth University 150 years ago, you can see his statue outside the Old College, on the seafront.)
20% off ALL Banner of Truth titles!