
Heart Check: Are You Truly Known by Christ?

Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ (Matthew 7:23) It was not unprecedented for the Lord Jesus to speak in this way. Even from the days of the Old Testament prophets, this had been the focus of the Lord—that there has always…

Jesus is Lord

As we saw last Sunday evening ‘at the name of Jesus every knee [will] bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.’ (Philippians 2:10-11). To which we could add the vision of…

Every Knee Will Bow: The Future of Every Person Before God

When Isaiah told the church that every knee would bow before God, and every tongue would acknowledge him (chapter 43), he knew that this would be true for the whole world, not just the church, but every single person. Perhaps you’re reading this on a church website, but you’re not…

Secondary Issues vs. False Teaching: Where Do We Draw the Line?

A secondary issue is an issue that churches may divide over, but is not a gospel issue. For example, in our church, we do not have anyone in leadership who believes in infant baptism. However, we still unite with those who disagree with us on a secondary issue like that…

Love is Good News Service

All are welcome to this special Good News Service where we’ll especially be concentrating on the love of God. We will be singing hymns about the love of God, praying, and reading the Bible with God’s love in mind, and listening to a sermon all about the love of God.…

Are There Sins I Need to Repent of?

You may be ready to notice the sins of other religions, but what about your sins? You may be very keen to point out other people’s obsession with images on their TV screens and smartphones, but how are you using images for sin? You may be quick to notice when…

We Need to Talk About Conscience

Are you aware of what your conscience is? If you’ve watched Pinocchio, you have come across the concept of a conscience. The conscience given to the little wooden puppet was called Jiminy Cricket, and Pinocchio was urged to always let his conscience be his guide. His downfall came when he…

Ways We Tend to Respond to Romans 13:1-7

If you’re new to Christianity, you might have expected the opposite—you might have expected Paul to say that “governments are against Christ, therefore we must rise against them and rebel against their worldly ways.” You might imagine Paul saying that, but that’s not what he says. For others of you,…