The Christian Bookshop
Bookshop Facebook Page
For the latest information about the bookshop including opening times, new books and other news please go to the bookshop Facebook page (a Facebook account is not necessary to view the page).
We Love Books About the Lord Jesus
Though at first-sight “The Christian Bookshop” may seem like an unimaginative name for our church-bookshop, it is not a redundant title, but rather a perfect description of exactly what we want from our church-bookshop, which is for it to be filled with books about Christ.
On top of that, there’s also the fact that our main church-sanctuary is not open for most hours during the week and therefore we know that our bookshop is the public’s way to get to know what we’re all about as a church.
The aim of our Christian bookshop is to, therefore, provide a space for those who don’t know Jesus to come and find out more about Jesus, either through conversation or through literature. As well as to provide Christian literature for AP members and other Christians connected to the congregation and in the area.