In terms of the way that the Apostle Paul talks about these shameful lusts in Romans 1, he says that homosexual practice is something that some people desire and a thing that some people do, but at no point does Paul say that it’s necessary for us to conclude that if we desire these things or have done these things, that that is our whole identity…
Our culture says if you have homosexual desires, or if you have engaged in homosexual behaviour, then you must be either gay, lesbian, bi, queer, or another label. Our culture defines the whole of self, according to sexual activity or sexual desire. Whereas the Bible doesn’t do that. The Bible acknowledges these kinds of sexual activities but does not equate them with a person’s whole self. So, they are sins, yes, but they are not what defines a person.
We all fancy the wrong people, but we don’t need to place an identifier on ourselves according to what wrong people we’ve fancied.