There is so much in this universe that we cannot see.
I remember being amazed when we first moved to Aberystwyth and when we were first here we had lots of cats living next door to us, and what these cats would do—as cats do—is they would kill all sorts of animals, and we’d find on our patio—in our back garden—all sorts of creatures these cats had caught. And some of the creatures that the cats caught were creatures I’d never see, I never even knew that we still had in this country, stoats and voles and other such rodents which we never saw walking around, but they were there.
And if that’s true for animals, then imagine what else there is we haven’t seen, have been hidden from our sight.
And this is the case throughout the Bible. Angels are known to the Lord Jesus. He says that he can call a legion of them in an instant; but—as far as I know—no one I’ve spoken to has ever seen them. But sometimes people’s eyes are open to be able to see them, and that’s quite extraordinary.
And it that’s true for animals and angels, then it is also true for a place like heaven. We can’t see it but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.