In chapter one of Romans, Paul has linked all these sins, and he’s shown that this is a downward-spiral, and you are always somewhere on the spiral.
So you can’t judge someone—for example for sexual impurity, because if you have worshipped an idol, then you’ve begun on the very same sin, which is an exchanging of the immortal God for an image. What those who are committing sexual impurity are doing: they’re worshipping images but just taking it further down the spiral. But it’s basically the same sin.
Or you might judge someone for worshipping an idol, but if you have suppressed the truth by your wickedness, then you’ve done the very same thing – you’re on the same spiral because you’re doing the very same thing that someone who worships an idol does, which is to behave godlessly.
Look to the Lord Jesus and to his cross, repent of your sins. Christ is your only hope of getting off the spiral.