Can you say with the apostle Paul in Philippians 3 that you “do not have a righteousness of your own based on the law but one which is through faith in Christ”? Or how about what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1…
Do you call Jesus “your righteousness”? That’s who he is, “my righteousness”. But do you say that? Do you think that? Can you say with the apostle Paul in Romans chapter 5, “But by The Man’s obedience, the many are made righteous”?
Perhaps as you picture this tree planted by the streams of water, you can picture the Lord Jesus many years later, in an actual river, speaking to John the Baptist, about to be baptised, and telling John the Baptist that it was fitting for him to do that “to fulfil all righteousness.” And he did it. He did it for us. Not just his Baptism, but all his righteousness is credited to us, his church.