Think about what it means to seek God’s Kingdom first and his righteousness.
Righteousness is found in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are being urged to seek him here. And how we need him! We have no righteousness of our own. We have sinned, and without Christ, all we have is sin. That means we face a terrifying future—an eternity in hell.
But serving God changes everything.
God gives. And god has given his own Son. As we’re told elsewhere, “he who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”
So, we seek his Son first and foremost. We trust in him. We repent of our sins. And we believe in his promise:
“Whoever comes to me I will never cast out.”
When we seek God’s Kingdom and his righteousness, we are given:
- The Kingdom itself, where we will be clothed in majesty along with all the saints.
- The righteousness of Christ, shared with us, his Church, as our Bridegroom marries us.
- Every other thing we are tempted to worry about.
Even in the worst-case scenario—if a Christian were to be starved to death, stripped naked, and left destitute—these promises remain. Because when a Christian dies, their soul goes immediately to be with God. And the resurrection is coming soon.
Their resurrection bodies will be clothed with splendour beyond imagination.
Is this your hope?
May it be so.