The judgement of believers (Romans 14:10, 12) gives new meaning to the sacrifices we make, to the stuff we invest in in this life, and to not receiving credit in this life. “I did this good thing, and no one appreciates it, no thanked me!” Well, we should make a point of thanking each other, husbands, thank your wives; children, thank your parents; church members, let’s thank each other; but when the thanks are lacking, remember… you will be acknowledged; you will be rewarded.
Your reward is in heaven—that’s way more exciting. ‘Those who are praised in this life have received their reward in full,’ Jesus says[1]. But get on with good works, the unpaid things, the unnoticed things, the generous financial gifts which no one knows about. It’s exciting because God sees it all.
And so, today we pray, “may you help me as I work now in building up the church, not living for earthly wealth, success, or status, but all for you, whatever the end result is.”
[1] Matthew 6:2