We thank you that Jesus is the Angel of the Lord who we read about in the Old Testament,
Who encamps around those who fear him.
That we can be hidden in the rock who is Christ, the Rock of Ages, and we are delivered by you because of him.
Father, thank you.
We pray that today, we would taste and see more of the Lord Jesus’ goodness,
That we would be blessed as we take refuge in Christ.
Father, we pray that we would fear the Lord Jesus as his holy people.
That we would defy the odds in our weakness and our hunger, considering Christ’s weakness and hunger.
We have some of the same experiences he had—an experience of seeking you and knowing that if we have you, Father,
And if we have Jesus as our Bread of Life, we will lack no good thing.
We can have your words, Father, as our Daily Bread—and ultimately your Word—Christ—as our Living Bread.
Please help us to listen to the Lord Jesus so that we can be taught how to fear you, Father.
We love life; we desire to see many good days.
In the name of the Lord Jesus we pray,