Lord’s Day 3rd | AM: Communion.
PM: Reuben Saywell preaching & giving report on the church-plant in Santa Maria, Bulacan, Philippines. |
Saturday 9th | 8:30am: Men’s Breakfast @ AP |
Lord’s Day 10th | 9:30am: [New] Bible-Craft-Club @ AP (see below for info) |
Monday 11th | 7:30pm: [Week of Prayer] Evening Hour of Prayer |
Tuesday 12th | 7:30pm: [Week of Prayer] Evening Hour of Prayer |
Wednesday 13th | 10:30am: [Week of Prayer] Mid-Morning Prayer-Meeting |
Thursday 14th | 7:30pm: [Week of Prayer] Evening Hour of Prayer |
Lord’s Day 17th | PM: Communion |
Thursday 21st | 8pm: Women’s Evening @ The Manse |
Friday 22nd | 6pm: Bible Club @ The Manse |
Lord’s Day 24th | Freshers’ Sunday (This is the Sunday when we expect to have a new batch of first-year students arriving.) |
Thursday 28th | 7:30pm: Church-Forum @ AP (Subject: Church Rules) |
Friday 29th | “Christian Union Grub-Crawl” (a way of introducing new students to the churches). AP & Eglwys Efengylaidd are serving dessert @ AP from 6:40pm – 7:20pm (members, speak to the deacons if you’d like to contribute) |
Other Notes
- Note that we are celebrating the Lord’s Supper twice this month, this is in line with a sermon-series Rhodri will be preaching about Communion.
- Whole-Church Prayer-Meetings: 12th & 26th | Small-Group Prayer-Meetings: 5th & 19th
- Speak to Rhodri, Ian, or Eric if you are interested in joining one of the three small-groups, which meet during other months.
- The weekly Women’s Fellowship meets on Wednesday mornings, in AP basement at 10:30am.
- The monthly Bible-Reading-Groups’ Bible-book is has been 2 Chronicles for the summer. All church-members have been encouraged to read it and consider Christ as you do. Those attending the groups (Women’s Evening / Men’s Breakfast / Bible Club) do keep a note of observations and questions to share with/ask your group. The next book will be Micah.
- When able to, those manning the Book-Table go out every Saturday (weather & personnel-permitting) 11am-12:30pm, members, speak to Eric if you are interested in joining the work.
- Note the new Bible-Craft-Club which we plan to start at 9:30am on the morning of the Lord’s Day on the 10th of September. Elsbeth Loosley is heading-up this venture (with the oversight of the elders). The vision for it, is that it is a club for children and young-people which ties in with the monthly Bible-Reading-Group. We will complete a craft-activity based on a theme from the Bible-book we’ve been studying for that month. We also hope to have songs, snacks and memory-verses. All kids & young people welcome.
- This September, we have planned a Week of Prayer for the Academic-Year Ahead. It is simply an opportunity for us to take some extra time to commit the months ahead of us to the our Father, especially seeking to discern the will of God for us as a church. The schedule for the Week of Prayer is planned to be as follows:
Monday 11th | Evening Hour of Prayer (7:30pm) |
Tuesday 12th | Evening Hour of Prayer (7:30pm) |
Wednesday 13th | Mid-Morning Prayer-Meeting (10:30am) |
Thursday 14th | Evening Hour of Prayer (7:30pm) |
- Advance Notes:
- Note, we plan to have a Freshers’ Tea on the 1st of October (Lord’s Day) after the Evening-Service. Members, speak to the Deacons if you would like to contribute or serve food and drink.
- We hope to start a new club for 12-18 year-olds in October. Sarah Chalmers is leading this project (with the oversight of the elders). We plan to hold the club on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month in term-time, running from 7pm – 8:30pm. There will be games, snacks & Bible-teaching.
- Could you fill a shoebox with items for a needy child or adult in Eastern Europe? There are leaflets in the porch with all the information you need. If you have any questions, please see Betty or Margaret. The deadline for shoeboxes is October 17th.
Book News
Any book-orders or enquiries related to the bookshop should be emailed to info@apbookshop.co.uk
Visit the Bookshop Facebook Page for all the latest information, including opening hours (note: a Facebook account is not required to access that page.)