Activities This Month


4th         Gareth Williams leading and preaching AM & PM. Rhodri in Hill Park Baptist Church, Haverfordwest

6th         Whole-Church Prayer-Meeting

9th         Bible Club (6pm at The Manse)

11th       Communion as part of morning-service (postponed one week)

13th        Small-Group Prayer-Meetings

15th        Women’s Evening (8pm at The Manse)

17th        Men’s Breakfast (8:30am at the church) / Saturday Morning Outreach (Meet 11am at the church)

20th        Whole-Church Prayer-Meeting

25th        Freshers’ First Sunday

26th        Members’ Meeting  *Members’ Meeting postponed until 17th of October*

27th       Wayne O’Leary of the Slavic Gospel Association speaking at Whole-Church Prayer-Meeting  Small-Groups Prayer-Meetings back on, as Wayne O’Leary has had a recent operation and is recovering. He hopes to come at a later date.

 [Note: the book-table continues to go out every Saturday, weather-permitting, speak to Eric if you are interested.]

Other Notes

  • The weekly Women’s Fellowship hopes to recommence this September, stand-by for details.
  • The monthly Bible-Reading-Groups Bible-book is Ezekiel. All church-members are encouraged to read it and consider Christ as you do, keeping a note of observations and questions to share with the groups.

Book News

Any book-orders or enquiries related to the bookshop should be emailed to

Visit the Bookshop Facebook Page for all the latest information, including opening hours (note: a Facebook account is not required to access that page.)

THE SMALL BOOKS SERIES – Edward T. Welch & Paul Tautges (New Growth Press, 2017-2021)

I love these little books. The format is, a small hardback-book covering a major issue that we all face to one degree or another.

A Small Book about a Big Problem is about anger; A Small Book for the Hurting Heart addresses loss and grief; A Small Book About Why we Hide is about tackling insecurity, shame and failure; and you can guess what the Small Book for the Anxious Heart is about!

One of the best things about these books is that they force you to go slowly. The books are divided into days, not chapters, and that’s intentional, because the authors know not only that we are designed to live out our lives in days, but they also know that in terms of our problems, even though we would prefer to sprint to a magical answer, our struggles are best engaged at a more deliberate pace.

Each day ends with suggestions that you can think, write, talk, and pray about; in other books, these kinds of exercises seem gimmicky, but here they are very helpful.

MISSIONARY STORIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD – Betty Swinford (Christian Focus,  2022 [Reprint])