Small-Group Prayer-Meeting.
Friday 4th |
7pm, Youth Club @ AP (downstairs) |
Lord’s Day 6th |
5pm, Communion as part of Evening Service @ AP |
Monday 7th |
7:30pm, Special Prayer-Meeting to Pray for the
Church-Covenant |
Thursday 10th |
7:30pm, Officers’ Meeting @ AP (downstairs) |
Saturday 12th |
8:30am, Men’s Breakfast @ AP (downstairs) |
Lord’s Day 13th |
- 9:30am, Craft Club @ AP (downstairs)
- 11am, Annual Church-Covenant Renewal Service
@ AP
- 7:30pm, Students etc. @ The Manse
Thursday 17th |
Rhodri speaking at Aberystwyth University Christian Union
@ The Castle Rooms (Vulcan Street) |
Friday 18th |
7pm, Youth Club @ AP (downstairs) |
Lord’s Day 20th |
5pm, Good News Service: Harvest @ AP |
Thursday 24th |
8pm, Women’s Evening @ The Manse |
Friday 25th |
6pm, Bible Club @ The Manse |
Lord’s Day 27th |
- Rhodri preaching @ Eglwys Efengylaidd Ardudwy
- Gerwyn Loosley preaching @ AP
- (No Students etc. @ The Manse)
Tuesday 29th |
7:30pm, Professor Stuart Burgess speaking on Biblical
Creation @ AP (Eglwys Efengylaidd Aberystwyth joining)
Stuart has had to cancel due to the death of his father.
Small-Group Prayer-Meeting. |
- Whole-Church Prayer-Meetings: 8th and 22nd | Small-Group Prayer-Meeting: 1st, 15th & 29th.
Note in lieu of Small-Groups on the 29th, is the Professor Stuart Burgess meeting on Biblical Creation .
- There are three small-groups led by each of the elders. Rhodri’s Small-Group is currently full, but speak to Rhodri, Ian, or Eric if you are interested in joining one of the other two small-groups.
- The weekly Women’s Fellowship meets on Wednesday mornings, in AP basement at 10:30am (TBC in Sunday notices).
- Causeway also meets between 11 and 12:30 on a Wednesday, it is a time of worship organised by the staff of Plas Lluest (home for adults with learning disabilities set up by Alfred Place four decades ago). There is singing, reading, prayer, and sharing of the word, all geared at the Plas Lluest residents. It takes place in the Community Space in Tesco. All welcome.
- The monthly Bible-Reading-Groups’ are currently on Ecclesiastes. All church-members have been encouraged to read that book and to consider Christ as you do. Those attending the groups (Women’s Evening / Men’s Breakfast / Bible Club), do keep a note of observations and questions to share with/ask your group. The next Bible-Book will be 1 Corinthians.
- When able to, those manning the Book-Table go out every Saturday (weather & personnel-permitting) 11am-12:30pm; members, speak to Eric if you are interested in joining the work.
- The Special Prayer-Meeting to Pray for the Church-Covenant is an opportunity to prepare our hearts before God and to remind ourselves what it is we’ll be recommitting to on the following Lord’s Day.
- Note this meeting for students and anyone else who’d like to come along re-starting this month: Students etc. @ The Manse
- The Good News Harvest Service is a service that people can be invited to, and church members are encouraged to do just that. Physical invitations will be available soon.
- The Blythswood Shoebox Appeal leaflets are available in the church porch and in the bookshop. Shoeboxes will be delivered to needy people in Ukraine and across Eastern Europe. The shoeboxes need to be brought to the church or the bookshop by October 24th.
- Rhodri has booked this month to go to the New Pastors’ Conference in Bala from Monday the 21st to Wednesday the 23rd. (The conference is for any pastor who has been in ministry for ten years of fewer, so Rhodri does still qualify as a new pastor having been here for eight years!).
Book News
Any book-orders or enquiries related to the bookshop should be emailed to
Visit the Bookshop Facebook Page for all the latest information, including opening hours (note: a Facebook account is not required to access that page).
Book Recommendation
AN ANCHOR FOR THE SOUL: Beholding the Cross and Resurrection – Paul Mallard (10Publishing, 2024)
Many of us have found Paul Mallard’s preaching and writing very helpful over the years, and this latest offering is no exception. And what a refreshing subject for him to write about! It begins with a confession of the need to have a fresh sight of Calvary gripping our hearts, to have our love for Christ rekindled because of what he’s done and who he still is. To be amazed by grace is our greatest need—that we would be returned to the first love that we had for Christ when we first heard about his cross. That is where the title for the book comes from, because of the tendency that we have to drift in the Christian life. We need an anchor for our souls, and that anchor is Christ. And to know Christ, we must consider him crucified and now risen again.
The other reason why I love this book is because Paul takes us to Psalm 22, which so clearly speaks of the Lord Jesus. He tells a funny story about opening that psalm up with some schoolchildren, and how they all assumed that it had been written either by Jesus of Nazareth in the 1st century or by one of his disciples around the same time. They couldn’t believe that the original author was none other than David, writing hundreds and hundreds of years before the event! Of course, the answer to that conundrum is the fact that it is also the Holy Spirit who wrote Psalm 22, which is why it was possible for David to write so prophetically about what would happen to the Lord Jesus Christ when he was crucified.
We all need a new sight of our Saviour’s love for us, and this book is a helpful means of providing that sight for us.
– Rhodri