Lord’s Day 1st | AM: Communion PM: Student Welcome Tea (After Evening Service) @ AP |
Thursday 5th | Officers’ Meeting |
Friday 6th | [NEW] 7pm: Youth Club @ AP |
Lord’s Day 8th | 9.30am: Bible-Craft-Club @ AP |
Thursday 12th | 7.30pm: Members’ Meeting @ AP |
Saturday 14th | 8.30am: Men’s Breakfast @ AP |
Lord’s Day 15th | PM: Communion |
Thursday 19th | Women’s Evening @ The Manse |
Friday 20th | [NEW] 7pm: Youth Club @ AP |
Friday 27th | 6pm: Bible Club @ The Manse |
Other Notes
- Note that we are continuing to celebrate the Lord’s Supper twice this month, this is in line with the sermon-series Rhodri is preaching about Communion.
- Whole-Church Prayer-Meetings: 10th & 24th | Small-Group Prayer-Meetings: 3rd & 17th
- Speak to Rhodri, Ian, or Eric if you are interested in joining one of the three small-groups.
- The weekly Women’s Fellowship meets on Wednesday mornings, in AP basement at 10:30am.
- The monthly Bible-Reading-Groups’ are currently on Micah. All church-members have been encouraged to read it and consider Christ as you do. Those attending the groups (Women’s Evening / Men’s Breakfast / Bible Club) do keep a note of observations and questions to share with/ask your group. The next book will be Lamentations.
- When able to, those manning the Book-Table go out every Saturday (weather & personnel-permitting) 11am-12:30pm, members, speak to Eric if you are interested in joining the work.
- Note the new Youth Club, a group for secondary-school-aged young people starting this month. Sarah Chalmers is leading this project (with the oversight of the elders). As you can see it takes place on the first and third Friday of every month in term-time, running from 7pm – 8:30pm. There will be games, snacks & Bible-teaching.
- Rhodri and the family plan to be away from October the 30th to November the 3rd.
- Remember, the opportunity to fill a shoebox with items for a needy child or adult in Eastern Europe has October 17th as a deadline. There are leaflets in the porch with all the information you need. If you have any questions, please see Betty or Margaret.
Book News
Any book-orders or enquiries related to the bookshop should be emailed to info@apbookshop.co.uk
Visit the Bookshop Facebook Page for all the latest information, including opening hours (note: a Facebook account is not required to access that page).