Activities This Month

2nd        Communion as part of evening-service

10th        Officers’ Meeting

14th        Bible Club, 6pm at the Manse Postponed to Friday 21st

17th        Members’ Meeting

21st         Bible Club, 6pm at the Manse

22nd        Men’s Breakfast (one week later than usual), 8:30am in AP basement. Ask to join the WhatsApp-group to receive updates and give breakfast-order

                  Saturday Morning Outreach, meet at 11am outside The Christian Bookshop.

27th       Women’s Evening (one week later than usual), 8pm at the Manse.

[Note: the book-table continues to go out every Saturday (weather-permitting), members, speak to Eric if you are interested in joining the work.]

Other Notes

  • Speak to Rhodri, Ian, or Eric if you are interested in joining one of the three small-groups.
    • Whole-Church Prayer-Meeting dates: 4th & 18th / Small-Group Prayer-Meeting dates: 11th & 25th.
  • Pray for Rhodri, speaking at UCCF’s Team-Wales Day in Aber, on the 4th, and at Aber CU on the 20th.
  • The weekly Women’s Fellowship continues to meet on Wednesday mornings, in AP basement at 10:30am.
  • The monthly Bible-Reading-Groups Bible-book is 1 Corinthians. All church-members are encouraged to read it and consider Christ as you do, those attending the groups (Bible Club / Men’s Breakfast / Women’s Evening) keep a note of observations and questions to share with your group.
    • Consider these questions that the Bible asks of itself, that you may want to ask too, as you read:

      1. What did you learn about the Lord Jesus?
      2. What did you learn about yourself?
      3. How were you corrected and rebuked?
      4. How do you feel you need to change?
      5. What did you learn from scripture that will help you endure (keep going) and be encouraged?
      6. What did you learn that will teach you to do works of service to build up AP?
      7. What have you learned that helps you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind?
      8. What has helped you love your neighbour as yourself?

  • Rhodri is away from October 31st to November the 4th, for half-term break.

Book News

Any book-orders or enquiries related to the bookshop should be emailed to

Visit the Bookshop Facebook Page for all the latest information, including opening hours (note: a Facebook account is not required to access that page.)

THE LORD’S PRAYER—EQUIPPING DISCIPLES TO SERVE: Learning from Jesus How to Talk to His Father  – Paul Blackham (Day One, 2018)

Rhodri is planning to preach through the Lord’s Prayer this term, and there could be no better modern book for you to read about the Lord’s Prayer than this one.

Slightly unusual since it is packaged as part of SASRA’s ministry, but those with no military connections will still know great benefit from reading this Christ-centred approach to the prayer we must pray every day.

ACROSTIC OF JESUS: A Rhyming Christology for Kids – Jonathan Gibson & Timothy Brindle (New Growth Press,  2022)