Activities This Month

Lord’s Day 5th Lord’s Supper as part of the morning service
Friday 10th 7pm, Youth Club @ AP (downstairs)
Saturday 11th 11am – 4pm (Coffee, 10:30am) AECW Annual Conference @ Newtown Evangelical Church (click here for poster)
Friday 17th 6pm, Bible Club @ The Manse
Saturday 18th 8:30am, Men’s Breakfast @ AP (downstairs)
Lord’s Day 19th 9:30am, Craft Club @ AP (downstairs)
Thursday 23rd 7:30pm, Members’ Meeting @ AP (downstairs) [Postponed until 20th June]
Thursday 23rd 8pm, Women’s Evening @ The Manse
Friday 24th 7pm, Youth Club @ AP (downstairs)

Other Notes

  • Note: May has been a bit of a funny month to organise, perhaps because of the bank holidays, and therefore some of the regular monthly or bi-monthly meetings are planned for different days to when they usually take place.
  • Whole-Church Prayer-Meetings: 7th & 21st | Small-Group Prayer-Meeting: 14th & 28th
    • Speak to Rhodri, Ian, or Eric if you are interested in joining one of the three small-groups.
  • The weekly Women’s Fellowship meets on Wednesday mornings, in AP basement at 10:30am (TBC in Sunday notices).
  • Causeway also meets between 11 and 12:30 on a Wednesday, it is a time of worship organised by the staff of Plas Lluest (home for adults with learning disabilities set up by Alfred Place four decades ago). There is singing, reading, prayer, and sharing of the word, all geared at the Plas Lluest residents. It takes place in the Community Space in Tesco. All welcome.
  • The monthly Bible-Reading-Groups’ are currently on Isaiah 1-20. All church-members have been encouraged to read that part of the book and to consider Christ as you do. Those attending the groups (Women’s Evening / Men’s Breakfast / Bible Club), do keep a note of observations and questions to share with/ask your group. The next Bible-Book-section will be Isaiah 21-40. 
  • When able to, those manning the Book-Table go out every Saturday (weather & personnel-permitting) 11am-12:30pm; members, speak to Eric if you are interested in joining the work.
  • Everyone is invited to join Rhodri at the AECW Annual Conference (AECW stands for Associating Evangelical Churches in Wales). It’s a day which all the churches in our associating group are invited to join (click here for info on AECW). Matt Francis will preach; there’ll be fellowship over packed-lunch; You can choose to go to one of three seminars; and then there’ll be an opportunity to hear from other churches and ministries before we pray for Wales, and leave for home by 4pm. We’ll leave Aber around 9am on Saturday the 11th of May, or we could pick you up on the way. Six spaces remaining in the car. Bring a packed-lunch.
    • Pray for Rhodri as he represents Alfred Place at the AECW Annual Assembly, which usually takes place on the same day as the Annual Conference, but this year is mercifully being held on Zoom on Monday the 20th. The churches will be voting on a new chairman amongst other items.
  • Rhodri is at the Mid-Wales and Borders Pastors’ Fraternal in Newtown on the 21st.

Book News

Any book-orders or enquiries related to the bookshop should be emailed to

Visit the Bookshop Facebook Page for all the latest information, including opening hours (note: a Facebook account is not required to access that page).

Book of the Month

PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF JESUS: Daily Meditations on the Nearness of Our Savior – Joni Eareckson Tada (Multnomah, 2023)

In this book Joni takes us through some of the writings of a man called Brother Lawrence, a monk who lived through the drudgeries of monastery kitchen duty during the turbulence of 1600s France. Quite different to us, and to Joni Eareckson Tada  who famously suffered a terrible accident that broke her neck and left her paralysed. And they are an unlikely pairing in other ways too. Sometime after her accident, Joni became a “five-point Calvinist,” a theology known for its strong emphasis on God’s sovereignty. The monk Brother Lawrence emphasised a person’s free will. These two are different theologies, so in some ways it is odd that Joni found the humble work of  this monk meaningful and helpful in her quest for God’s peace. However—despite their disagreements—Joni shows his writing  to be winsome, simple, and engaging.  He offers a no-nonsense approach to sin and its decaying effects on a lively relationship with God. She is drawn to Lawrence’s authenticity. Here was a Christian man who suffered greatly, like her; and he struggled morally and deeply regretted having wandered far from his spiritual moorings. When he failed spiritually, he admitted his sin and was quick to repent. That’s the stuff Joni respects. Now sadly, Lawrence underplays the redemptive work of Christ as the fullest expression of God’s love for a wounded world, but Joni recognises that, seeing the difference between her Calvinist theology and his Catholic theology. However—as we read in the book’s introduction— ‘If Brother Lawrence had been able to see far into the future of his fellow journeyman Joni Eareckson Tada, he would have smiled to hear her say, “Without Christ, there is no sense in suffering. Without Christ, there is no presence of God.”’ And that is why this book is such a great read.

Bible-Reading Groups Commentary Tie-In

ISAIAH BY THE DAY: A New Devotional Translation – Alec Motyer (Christian Focus, 2011)

I know one or two, at least, in our congregation who have known great help from Alec Motyer, some having read a similar edition of Motyer’s commentary on the Psalms, which takes the same approach, being a day-by-day devotional book. This one is Isaiah, which is the book we’re going to be reading for the next few months as a church. Isaiah is sixty-six chapters of some of the most gospel-filled content in the Old Testament, and Alec Motyer is my favourite commentator on the book. Motyer is not from our tribe (he was an Anglican), but what’s refreshing about his writing and preaching is that he shows the wonder of seeing the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament (though we may wish he was less bogged down in the academic rigour expected of a writer of his standing). He is now with the Lord, but before his death, he contributed so much of worth to our thinking on this wonderful book of the Bible (and others). If nothing else, what reading this devotional commentary will do for you is give you a sense of awe and quietness in the face of the wonder that the Lord Jesus Christ has come to save us from our sins and that he’s done that through being the suffering servant. Magnificent!