Activities This Month

Thursday 1st 7:30pm, Officers’ Meeting
Friday 2nd 7pm, Youth Club @ AP (downstairs)
Lord’s Day 4th 5pm, Lord’s Supper as part of Evening Service
Saturday 10th  8:30am, Men’s Breakfast @ AP (downstairs)
Lord’s Day 11th 9:30am, Craft Club @ AP (downstairs)
Friday 16th No Youth Club (Half-Term)
Lord’s Day 18th Rhodri preaching in Penuel Baptist Church, Roch
Preaching & Leading in AP – TBA
Monday 19th 7:30pm, 3, 2, 1 Course, Third Session @ AP (downstairs)
Tuesday 20th Rhodri @ AECW Coordinating Committee Meeting (AM)
Thursday 22nd 7:30pm, Members’ Meeting @ AP (downstairs & online)

Members’ Meeting rescheduled to Thursday 7th March.

Friday 23rd 6pm, Bible Club @ The Manse
Thursday 29th 8pm, Women’s Evening @ The Manse

Other Notes

  • The 3, 2, 1 Course is an interactive evangelism course for those interested in the Christian faith. 3 stands for the fact that God is Trinity. The 2 covers the fact that the world is shaped by two representatives, Adam and Christ. The 1 stands for our one-ness, highlighting the fact that by default, we’re one with Adam, but that through faith, we can be united with Christ. There are four sessions which will take place every other week, finishing in early March. All welcome. Feel free to come on your own, or to bring a non-Christian friend, no sign-up needed.
  • Whole-Church Prayer-Meetings: 13th & 27th | Small-Group Prayer-Meeting: 6th & 20th
    • Speak to Rhodri, Ian, or Eric if you are interested in joining one of the three small-groups.
  • The weekly Women’s Fellowship meets on Wednesday mornings, in AP basement at 10:30am (TBC in Sunday notices).
  • The monthly Bible-Reading-Groups’ are currently on Genesis 21-35. All church-members have been encouraged to read that section and consider Christ as you do. Those attending the groups (Women’s Evening / Men’s Breakfast / Bible Club), do keep a note of observations and questions to share with/ask your group. The next Bible-Book-section will be Genesis 36-50.
  • When able to, those manning the Book-Table go out every Saturday (weather & personnel-permitting) 11am-12:30pm, members, speak to Eric if you are interested in joining the work.
  • Note that from the 12th – 16th, Rhodri and the family are away.

Book News

Any book-orders or enquiries related to the bookshop should be emailed to

Visit the Bookshop Facebook Page for all the latest information, including opening hours (note: a Facebook account is not required to access that page).

Book of the Month

CHRIST & CREED: The Early Church Creeds & their Value for Today – Nate Pickowicz (Christian Focus, 2023)

You will have noticed if you’ve been to any of our services that we do place an emphasis on the creeds—and especially the Apostles Creed—in our church-life and what this book seeks to do is to answer a question that you may have asked, which is “why so we do that?” Well, it comes from the Bible according to the author of this very helpful book. What I like about this book is the author says that knowing the creeds is actually a very biblical thing to do so that anyone who says “I don’t have any creed but Christ” actually doesn’t get it. Despite that statement “no creed but Christ” in itself being a creed, Nate also shows us that the Bible itself is full of creeds, and it encourages us to learn creeds. Nate takes us through The Apostles’ Creed; The Nicene Creed; The Definition of Chalcedon; The Athanasian Creed; the Protestant Confessions, and finishes off with a chapter on the Creeds for today.

Bible-Reading Groups Commentary Tie-In

THE BOOK OF ORIGINS: Genesis Simply Explained – Phillip Eveson (Evangelical Press, 2006)

My dad once jokingly introduced me to Phil Eveson, saying that “this was the man who taught me everything I know”. Despite the jesting, there is a great deal truth in those words, not just for my Dad, but for so many people all over Wales and the world. This is especially true in relation to his work as an Old Testament thinker, where he has been used greatly by the Lord (as well as in his interest in church history and his wonderful sense of humour). All of this comes across in his very helpful commentary on the first book of the Bible. I’d like him to place more emphasis on the Lord Jesus presence in Genesis (although there is plenty here), but either way, there is a lot for us to glean and benefit from in this book. The Book of Origins is such an apt title, because Genesis isn’t just the book about the origin of the universe, but it is the book which tells us about the origin of humanity, the origin of sin, and the origin of the church.