Activities This Month

5th                         Communion as part of the Evening-Service.

6th                         Members’ Meeting @ AP (online also available).

11th                      Men’s Breakfast, 8:30am @ AP.
                               Saturday Morning Outreach, meet at 11am, outside The Christian Bookshop.

16th                      Women’s Evening, 8pm @ The Manse.

17th                       Bible Club, 6-7pm @ The Manse.

26th                       Ian Parry preaching @ AP (AM & PM)
                                Rhodri preaching @ Machynlleth Community Church (AM)

28th                       Misha Vayshengolts from International Mission to Jewish People speaking at Whole-Church Prayer-Meeting. (Meeting in-person & online, as usual, but Misha will be joining us via GoogleMeet.)

[Note: The book-table continues to go out every Saturday (weather-permitting), members, speak to Eric if you are interested in joining the work.]

Other Notes

  • Whole-Church Prayer-Meeting dates: 14th & 28th | Small-Group Prayer-Meeting: 7th & 21st.
  • Speak to Rhodri, Ian, or Eric if you are interested in joining one of the three small-groups.
  • The weekly Women’s Fellowship continues to meet on Wednesday mornings, in AP basement at 10:30am.
  • The monthly Bible-Reading-Groups Bible-book is 1 Peter this month. All church-members are encouraged to read it and consider Christ as you do. Those attending the groups (Women’s Evening / Men’s Breakfast / Bible Club) do keep a note of observations and questions to share with your group. Good questions to ask (these are questions the Bible asks about itself):
    1. What did you learn about the Lord Jesus?
    2. What did you learn about yourself?
    3. How were you corrected and rebuked?
    4. How do you feel you need to change?
    5. What did you learn from scripture that will help you endure (keep going) and be encouraged?
    6. What did you learn that will teach you to do works of service to build up the brothers and sisters in AP?
    7. What have you learned that helps you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind?
    8. What has helped you love your neighbour as yourself?
  • Rhodri and the family plan to be away for Half-Term from the 20th – 24th.

Book News & Recommendations

Any book-orders or enquiries related to the bookshop should be emailed to

Visit the Bookshop Facebook Page for all the latest information, including opening hours (note: a Facebook account is not required to access that page.)

SHEPHERDING A CHILD’S HEART – Tedd Tripp (Shepherd Press, 1998)

One comedian says ‘I don’t know what’s more exhausting about parenting: the getting up early, or acting like you know what you’re doing.’ Thankfully, Christians don’t have to pretend, they can confess that by nature, yes they don’t know what they’re doing, but that with the Holy Spirit’s help we can look at the Bible and find out what we should be doing. And that is exactly what I like about this book, Tedd Tripp is extremely thorough in taking parents through the sorts of challenges they are bound to face, and how to be proactive and intentional in facing them head-on. This book has been instrumental in my parenting. Definitely worth reading if you’re a parent, but also for non-parents who may be parents one day, and in the meantime can pray for parents as they face the real everyday struggles of training up a child in the way he or she should go!


THE DOCTRINE OF REPENTANCE – Thomas Watson (Banner of Truth [Reprint], 2022)

Most of us, when hearing Thomas Watson tell us that ‘Either sin must drown in the tears of repentance—or the soul must burn in hell’ would be too shocked to read another word, and yet—despite Watson’s frankness—we all need to believe the truths that Watson preaches.

Some of us don’t really know what repentance is, but Thomas Watson is on hand to leave us in no doubt as to exactly what the Bible teaches about repentance:

Repentance is a grace of God’s Spirit whereby a sinner is inwardly humbled and visibly reformed […] repentance is a spiritual medicine made up of six special ingredients:

1. Sight of sin
2. Sorrow for sin
3. Confession of sin
4. Shame for sin
5. Hatred for sin
6. Turning from sin If any one is left out, it loses its virtue.