Activities This Month

Saturday 3rd Church Work-Day (come from 9am to the church-building to get practical jobs done)
Lord’s Day 4th
  • 11am – Ian Jones preaching
  • Lord’s Supper as part of morning
Friday 9th 2pm @ AP, Funeral of Arthur Murray (Graveside-committal is taking place privately before the service)
Lord’s Day 11th 11am, Rhodri Brady Stuart Olyott preaching (worth arriving early to get a seat as it is “Conference Sunday”)
Monday 12th Special Meeting to Celebrate the 50thAnniversary of Alfred Place Baptist Church’s Book-Ministry: A Lecture by Heather Nicholas on The Importance of Books in the Ministry of George Whitfield, 11am @ AP
Tuesday 13th

No Prayer-Meeting, Evangelical Movement of Wales Conference meeting at the Great Hall @ 7pm. Mostyn Roberts preaching. Book here:

Prices for the Tuesday Night:

  • Two-parent-family £27
  • One-parent-family £16
  • Adults aged 23+ £12
  • Youth aged 16-22  £7
  • Children aged 5+ £5
  • Children 0-4 free

Or to watch online free click here:

Lord’s Day 25th Gareth Williams preaching in AP AM & PM

Other Notes

  • Whole-Church Prayer-Meetings: 20th and 27th | Small-Group Prayer-Meeting: 6th only
    • Speak to Rhodri, Ian, or Eric if you are interested in joining one of the three small-groups.
  • The weekly Women’s Fellowship meets on Wednesday mornings, in AP basement at 10:30am (TBC in Sunday notices).
    • Causeway also meets between 11 and 12:30 on a Wednesday, it is a time of worship organised by the staff of Plas Lluest (home for adults with learning disabilities set up by Alfred Place four decades ago). There is singing, reading, prayer, and sharing of the word, all geared at the Plas Lluest residents. It takes place in the Community Space in Tesco. All welcome.
  • There will be no Craft Club or Bible Reading Groups (Women’s Evening / Men’s Breakfast / Bible Club) this month. However, all are still encouraged to read Ezra and to consider Christ as you do. Those attending the groups, do keep a note of observations and questions to share with/ask one another. The next Bible-Book will be Ruth.
  • When able to, those manning the Book-Table go out every Saturday (weather & personnel-permitting) 11am-12:30pm; members, speak to Eric if you are interested in joining the work.
  • Rhodri and family plan to be away 20th – 26th.
  • Note that the Evangelical Movement of Wales Conference is taking place at the Great Hall in the Arts’ Centre first meeting that you are encouraged to attend is 7pm Monday the 12th and then Tuesday to Friday 11am and 7pm. Attendance in-person comes at a charge, e.g. a week-pass for a two-parent family is £230. However, all meetings are broadcast on YouTube (click here: Note (unlike last year) conference is running a Friday Meeting this year.

Book News

August Offer

Banner of truth titles
25% off

EMW ‘Aber Conference Week’ Opening Times

Sunday 11thClosed all day
Monday 12th11:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday 13th11:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday 14th11:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday 15th11:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 16th11:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 17th Closed all day

EMW ‘Welsh Conference Week’ Opening Times

Sunday 18thClosed all day
Monday 19thClosed all day
Tuesday 20th11:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday 21st11:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday 22nd11:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 3rd11:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 24thClosed all day

Any book-orders or enquiries related to the bookshop should be emailed to

Visit the Bookshop Facebook Page for all the latest information, including opening hours (note: a Facebook account is not required to access that page).

Read a Classic this August

D. MARTYN LLOYD-JONES: The First Forty Years 1899-1939 – Iain H. Murray (Banner of Truth, 1982)

My grandfather handed me this book when I was a student and told me that it was the story of his life, which was an interesting thing for him to say about the biography of another pastor. But having read it, I know exactly what he means because that’s just the case for most reformed evangelical pastors in Wales, if not the UK (and all over the world), in the 20th century: they are indebted to God’s work through this Welsh pastor. This book takes the reader through the formative years of this young pastor’s life, from his upbringing down the road in Llangeithio, to spending time in London, and then training to be a medical doctor before famously being called to preach, and returning to Wales to be a pastor in Sandfields, Aberavon (Port Talbot, where Heather’s from). The book ends with his call to become pastor in Westminster Chapel in London, as well as the outbreak of World War Two in Europe. It is well worth a read. It is not a short book, but we all need to read long books sometimes. I especially appreciated his description of what a preacher and pastor is, speaking about the importance of the call and of shepherding, to be the man of God and to live a holy life. I love the vivid description that the novelist Rhys Davies gives in his book My Wales, which is quoted in one of the later chapters. And then his observations on what it is to be a Welshman, and his nine keys to good preaching:

  1. An emphasis on the sovereignty of God
  2. The ugliness of sin
  3. The uncertainty of life
  4. The judgment and eternity
  5. The glory of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ
  6. The all-sufficiency of his saving work for us on the cross
  7. The resurrection
  8. The blessed hope we have


– Rhodri