I’m aware that some of you reading this are still in the flesh (you’re not a Christian). You’re still part of the cursed family of Adam, which means that every bit of law that you hear makes you feel terrible, shows you that you’re unworthy and rejected.
What’s more, every bit of law that you hear in church, or when you read the Bible, or in Christian-content, or hear from your parents, gives you ideas for other ways of sinning, twists what is good into a means for evil (you may not be aware that this is happening, but it is happening).
So, I would be a terrible person if I only preached the law to you. Thankfully, I’ve been given the call to preach the good news.
Yes, unbeliever, you are condemned, and you’re only getting more and more condemned, you are dead, and you’re only getting more and more dead as time goes on, the more law that you hear.
But Christ has died, he’s risen from the dead. So repent of your sins and depend on him instead of depending on yourself.