You may be ready to notice the sins of other religions, but what about your sins? You may be very keen to point out other people’s obsession with images on their TV screens and smartphones, but how are you using images for sin? You may be quick to notice when other people use bad language or bring down the reputation of Christians, but how are you affecting the reputation of Christians?
And what about the way you use the Lord’s Day? You’re quick to notice when someone seems to be breaking the Sabbath in your eyes, but are you using the Lord’s Day in the best way possible?
And what about all the tutting, sighing, and judgement you reserve for disobedient children around you? Are you using that same measure for yourself? How are you obeying your Father in heaven? How are you honouring him before you point out the failures of children?
And how about repenting of your murderous temper?
How about repenting of your disgusting adulterous lust?
How about repenting of your awful covetousness, dishonesty, and robbing God—failing to give your money to the church and to the needy?
And before judging others for being economical with the truth, think through your own lack of respect for the truth—the times you haven’t been truthful.