The whole law was summarised for Adam in one commandment, namely, that he should not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If he had obeyed that commandment to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam would have shown that he had no other gods before the Living God. He would have shown that he did not worship other images other than the image of the invisible God, namely, the Lord. He would have shown that he hallowed the name of God. He would have shown that he had respect for God’s rule over time. He would have showed that he was obedient to God’s law by obeying his parents, namely, God the Father. He would have shown that he was not a murderer, because he’d been told that to eat from this fruit was to surely die, and so he not only murdered himself but all of humanity by eating from that fruit. He even went against the commitment he should have had to his wife by having other loves other than her—he lusted over that fruit. And from another perspective stole that fruit which was not his. And from another he lied to himself about what God had said by eating that fruit. And lied further by trying to cover it up. The whole of the law of God was broken when Adam sinned.
Adam Broke God’s Law
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