
The Startling Message of Romans 2:28-29

From another perspective, we have—later in the letter—Paul speaking about Jewish people, even Jewish unbelievers as Jews (3:29). So Paul is not making a ban on any non-believer in the Lord Jesus Christ calling themselves Jewish, on the one hand. And yet, on the other hand, he does make this…

Hypocrisy, Pride, and Transparency

Isn’t it fascinating that in Romans 2, what Paul points to back in Isaiah is hypocrisy. That a few hundred years before Paul was writing God’s name was being blasphemed among the Gentiles because of the church. And that it was still the case in the 1st century… that God’s…

Rediscovering Righteousness

The emphasis in Romans 2 is fully on those Jewish people in the church in Rome who had forgotten that they needed to view the world as people who had been credited with righteousness, not people who had earned righteousness themselves. They were people who were thinking that they could…

Quick Thought: What Will You be Found Doing When the Lord Jesus Returns?

Those who are not ready for Christ’s return are not those who are taking on major projects but actually all those who are idle or lazy or spending their time on worthless things. In fact, a good question to ask yourself before you engage in something is, ‘do I want…

We’re All On The Spiral

In chapter one of Romans, Paul has linked all these sins, and he’s shown that this is a downward-spiral, and you are always somewhere on the spiral. So you can’t judge someone—for example for sexual impurity, because if you have worshipped an idol, then you’ve begun on the very same…

What Our Taste in Fiction May Tell us About Reality

There is a reason for why we are drawn to science fiction, comic-book movies, and fantasy-fiction. It’s because often what those kinds of stories do is they show us the world as most see it, and then they show the world “as it really is”… What’s going on underground? Or…

Understanding Confession: Saying Sorry and Finding Forgiveness

We need to confess our sins before the Lord, we need to say sorry for our wickedness, for our evil, for our greed, for our depravity, we need to say sorry for every time we’ve envied, every time we’ve murdered someone in our hearts by hating them, through strife and…

Is it Right to Argue Against Certain Sins from Natural Law?

On the one hand, it is faithful to God’s word to say that there are certain sins that are ‘unnatural’ (Romans 1:26). Now, there is an unhelpful way that some Christians speak when they say that certain sins, especially sexual sins are ‘unnatural’, because the primary reason why those sins…

We Are a Defect-Free Church

Christ’s being the sacrificial lamb who is without defect means that his church, who are washed with his blood, are all without defect too. The Apostle Paul says that ‘in Christ, we have been brought to fullness.’[1] And that ‘We have been chosen before the creation of the world to…

Does Who You Fancy Define Who You Are?

In terms of the way that the Apostle Paul talks about these shameful lusts in Romans 1, he says that homosexual practice is something that some people desire and a thing that some people do, but at no point does Paul say that it’s necessary for us to conclude that…